Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Our lovebird Rainbow died.Friday July 15th 2011

It's surprising how much it hurts to loose the little bird who lived with us for twelve years. She was just a bird you say? Yes, yet for such a small creature she had a lot of personality. She would not allow anyone to mess with her cage. It was her territory. She loved to fly around and land on your head or shoulders. She would take a shower in the sink while sitting in my cupped hands and would open her wings to let the water run over her back. After a bath she would preen her feathers with happiness. Poe, the cat, had long conversations with her: meow, tweet, meow, tweet, back and forth. Rainbow loved to sleep in a small green bivvy bag. She would cuddle up next to a feathered cat toy as if were her mate. As I write this post "Somewhere over the Rainbow" started to play on  Jango - a touching tribute.
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